Heredity and Environment in Psychology- B.Ed notes

Heredity and environment are two fundamental factors in psychology that influence an individual's development and behaviour. It is due to heredity and environment that individuals differ in habits, physique, personality, attitudes, values, sentiments and aspirations.

Meaning of Heredity and Environment 

Heredity (Nature): This refers to the biological process responsible for passing the physical and mental characteristics from one generation to another. It plays a crucial role in determining various traits, such as physical characteristics and some aspects of personality. Researchers study heredity through twin studies and genetics to understand how genes impact behaviour. Johann Mendel (father of genetics) gave three laws of heredity. These are:

• Law of like begets like

• Law of variation

• Law of regression

Environment (Nurture): This encompasses all those external factors that influence an individual, including upbringing, culture, social interactions, and life experiences The environment can shape personality, beliefs, and behaviour. Psychologists examine environmental influences through studies of upbringing, peer groups, and societal factors.

Relationship between Heredity and Environment 

The relationship between heredity and environment is that of multiplication, not of addition. In other words, the development of an individual is a result of heredity multiplied by environment that is:

Development = Heredity (H) × Environment (E)

Both heredity and environment impact development in a complex manner.

Definition of Heredity and Environment

According to Douglas and Holland, “Ones heredity consists of all the structures, physical characteristics, functions or capacities derived from parents, other ancestry or species.

According to Woodworth, “Environment covers all the outside factors that have acted on the individual since he began life.”

According to Boring, Longfield and Weld, “ The environment is everything that affects the individual except his genes.”

Role (Influence) of Heredity and Environment

Understanding the role of heredity and environment in psychology is crucial for comprehending the complexities of human behavior and development. Both factors play significant roles in shaping an individual's psychological makeup, particularly during the critical stages of child development.

According to Hayward: The child is endowed with some inherited tendencies but they are so flexible like plastic that they can be moulded almost in any way, according to the educator’s desires.

Heredity and Environment, Role of heredity and Environment

Growth and Development 

Both heredity and environment influence an individual’s physical, cognitive and emotional development. For example: the child is likely to possess good height if the parents are tall. However, his physique would depend on the care and nutrition he got. 

• Personality 

The total personality of the individual is more influenced by the environment rather than by heredity. Parenting styles can shape a child’s values, beliefs and behavioural patterns. 

• Intelligence 

Intelligence differences are caused by heredity and environment. Children of intelligent parents are generally bright. Children raised in enriched environments and resources tend to have higher IQ. 

• Social Development 

Both nature and nurture factors can influence an individual’s ability to form and maintain social support networks which are crucial for mental health and well-being.

Difference between Heredity and Environment 

Heredity and environment are interrelated in the development of a child but there are some differences between the two:

• Heredity involves the transmission of traits while environment involves everything that surrounds the child.

• Heredity is responsible for all inborn traits such as height, eye colour, and skin tone so it’s fixed and remains constant but environment’s influence can change throughout life.

• Heredity gives us our working capital while environment gives us the opportunity to invest.

• Heredity is innate and genetic while environment is learned and experienced.

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Objectives, Nature and Scope of Educational Psychology 

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