Teaching aptitude questions for b.ed entrance

Teaching aptitude is the ability of an individual to teach and facilitate learning effectively. Teaching aptitude applies to formal settings as well as non-formal settings. Anyone who wants to become a teacher must have knowledge of teaching aptitude. In this post, I am going to discuss with you the most important questions based on teaching aptitude which are helpful for the B.ed entrance exam and for other teaching exams. 

Teaching aptitude questions and answers

Teaching aptitude questions for b.ed entrance exam | Teaching aptitude MCQ

1. Teaching is based upon the mastery of

A. Conceptual knowledge 

B. Teaching skills

C. Decision making skills 

D. All of these

AnswerOption (D)

2. The most important challenge before a teacher is

A. To maintain discipline in the class.

B. To make students do their homework.

C. To prepare question paper.

D. To make teaching-learning process enjoyable. 

AnswerOption (D)

3. Which one of the following is an important activity to enable children to learn ?

A. Dailogue

B. Reward

C. Lecture

D. Instruction

AnswerOption (A)

4. A teacher should encourage students to set ……. rather than …..

A. Pwrformance goals; learning goals

B. Failure avoiding goals; marks seeking goals

C. Marks seeking goals; failure avoiding goals

D. Learning goals; performance goals 

AnswerOption (D)

5. In a primary classroom a teacher should

A. Give only non-examples

B. Give both examples and non-examples

C.  Not give any examples

D. Give only examples 

AnswerOption (B)

6. If students repeatedly make errors during a lesson, a teacher should

A. Make changes in instruction, tasks, timetable, or seating arrangements

B. Make a erring students stand outside the classroom

C. Talk to principle about them

D. Leave the lesson for the time being and come back to after some times

AnswerOption (A)

7. A teacher will become an effective communicator if

A. He uses instructional facilities 

B. He helps students get meaning out of what he teaches

C. He asks question in between teaching 

D. He helps students get correct answer to the questions on the topic

AnswerOption (B)

8. Teaching in higher education implies 

A. Presenting the information given in the textbook 

B. Asking question in the class and conducting examinations 

C. Helping students prepare for and pass the examination

D. Helping students to learn 

AnswerOption (D)

9. Teaching will be effective if the teacher

A. Is the master of the subject

B. Has much experience in teaching the subject

C. States from what students know already 

D. Use many instructional facilities 

AnswerOption (C)

10. The main aim of classroom teaching is

A. To develop inquiring mind

B. To give information 

C. To develop personality of students 

D. To help students pass examinations 

AnswerOption (A)

11. Good teaching is best reflected by

A. Attendance of students 

B. Number of distinctions 

C. Meaningful questions asked by students 

D. Pin-drop silence in the class

AnswerOption (C)

12. A teacher uses the learning instruction of facilities to make learning

A. Simple

B. Quicker

C. More knowledgeable 

D. Interesting 

AnswerOption (A)

13. Discussion in class will be more effective if the topic of discussion is

A. Not introduced 

B. Stated before the start of the discussion 

C. Written on the board without introducing it

D. Informed to the students in advance 

AnswerOption (D)

14. Students explore the solution themselves in

A. Interaction method

B. Discovery method

C. Both

D. None of these

AnswerOption (B)

15. Which one of the following is the most important elements in teaching?

A. Relationship between teachers and students 

B. Subject matter 

C. Teaching techniques and aids used

D. Student’s knowledge 

AnswerOption (A)

16. Talking and indiscipline in classroom is an indication of 

A. Indiscipline students 

B. Boredom caused by repetitiveness 

C. Confusion about things taughr

D. Not summarising lecture points 

AnswerOption (B)

17. A blackboard cannot be used for

A. Improvement of a paragraph 

B. Making reports based on information 

C. Show shematic diagrams 

D. Summary of relationships between facts

AnswerOption (B)

18. Emotional adjustment of students is effective in 

A. Personality formation 

B. Class-teaching

C. Discipline 

D. All of the above

AnswerOption (D)

19. How a teacher should behave with the students?

A. General 

B. Father

C. Friend 

D. Leader

AnswerOption (D)

20. The important ingredients of intrapersonal communication are

A. Self-concept

B. Perception 

C. Expectations 

D. All of the above

AnswerOption (D)

21. To help students understand the lesson a teacher should teach by

A. Giving them prompt

B. Focusing on easy content

C. Illustrating with examples

D. Testing the content

AnswerOption (C)

22. An effective teacher is expected to

A. Encourage the students to make initiative.

B. Reduce the anxiety level of students to moderate level.

C. To make students feel that education is their need.

D. All of the above.

AnswerOption (D)

23. Games in school

A. Make students physically fit.

B. It is healthy past-time.

C. Develops a sense of cooperation and physical and mental balance.

D. Keep students mentally healthy.

AnswerOption (C)

24. Students should prefer those teachers who

A. Can clarify their difficulties related to subject matter

B. Give important questions before examination 

C. Dictates notes in the class.

D. Are themselves disciplined 

AnswerOption (A)

25. Maximum participation of students is possible in teaching through 

A. Lecture method

B. Discussion method

C. Textbook method

D. Audio-Vusual method 

AnswerOption (B)

26. A teacher in the class should keep the pitch of his voice

A. High enough

B. Low

C. Moderate

D. Mix 

AnswerOption (C)

27. If some students fail in the examination it is the fault of

A. The teacher

B. The principle 

C. Pupils themselves 

D. Textbooks

AnswerOption (C)

28. In order to develop rapport with your pupils you should 

A. Guide them

B. Behave them in a democratic way

C. Have communicative ability 

D. All of the above

AnswerOption (D)

29. What is the objective of class tests?

A. To judge how much did the students understand 

B. Revision 

C. Training for exams

D. None of the above

AnswerOption (A)

30. What is the best way to inculate human values in students?

A. Impart knowledge about society 

B. Impart strict discipline

C. Impart knowledge of ethical values 

D. Impart knowledge of history  

AnswerOption (C)

Read also

31. A successful teacher is one who is

A. Compassionate and disciplinarian

B. Quit and reactive

C. Tolerant and dominating 

D. Passive and active 

AnswerOption (A)

32. As per the the NCTE norms, what should be the staff strength for a unit if 100 students at B.ed level ?

A. 1+7

B. 1+9

C. 1+10

D. 1+5

AnswerOption (C)

33. Some students in a class exhibit curiosity for learning. It may be because such children

A. Are gifted

B. Come from rich families 

C. Show artificial behaviour 

D. Create indiscipline in the class

AnswerOption (A)

34. Which of the following is appropriate in respect of teacher student relationship ?

A. Very informal and intimate

B. Limited to classroom only

C. Cordial and respectful 

D. Indifferent

AnswerOption (C)

35. The academic performance of students can be improved if parents are encouraged to

A. Supervise the work of rheir wards

B. Arrange for extra tutuon

C. Remain unconcerned about it

D. Interact with teachers frequently 

AnswerOption (A)

36. One of the most powerful factors affecting teaching effectiveness is related to the

A. Social systemof the country  

B. Economic status of the society

C. Prevailing political system

D. Educational system

AnswerOption (D)

37.The effectiveness of teaching has to be judged in terms of

A Course coverage

B. Students interest

C. Learning outcomes of students

D. Use of teaching aids in the classroom

AnswerOption (C)

38. Dysgraphia is associated with

A. Behavioural disorder

B. Writing disorder 

C. Reading disorder 

D. Mental disorder

AnswerOption (B)

39. Which of the following is the best method of teaching?

A. Lecture

B. Discussion 

C. Demonstration 

D. None of these

AnswerOption (C)

40. For an efficient and durable learning, learner should have

A. Ability to learn only

B. Requisite level of motivation only

C. Opportunities to learn only

D. Desired level of ability and motivation 

AnswerOption (D)

41. Which of the following belongs to a projected aid ?

A. Blackboard 

B. Epidiascope

C. Chart

D. Globe

AnswerOption (B)

42. Classroom communication can be described as-

A. Exploration

B. Institutionalism

C. Unsignified narration

D. Discourse

AnswerOption (D)

43. The main objective of child-centred education is 

A. To develop ability to learn in free environment 

B. To develop free skills in students 

C. To develop self-confidence and self-dependence 

D. All of the above

AnswerOption (D)

44. Before going to a class, a teacher must prepare a list of teaching points, because

A. It helps to make teaching more effective

B. It helps to create discipline 

C. It helps to save time

D. It helps to get an idea what to teach.

AnswerOption (A)

45. In your opinion, the work of teacher organisation is

A. To arrange seninars from time to time 

B. To discuss the various problems of teachers

C. To help the needy teachers 

D. All of theabove 

AnswerOption (D)

46. Suppose your son wants to go for teaching profession,

A. You will refuse him to go for this profession 

B. You will agree to his choice to become a teacher

C. You will impose your own choice

D. You will not like to have discussion on this issue

AnswerOption (B)

47. The most important challenge before a teacher is

A. To maintain discipline in the class.

B. To make students do their homework.

C. To prepare question paper.

D. To make teaching-learning process enjoyable. 

AnswerOption (D)

48. The most important challenge before a teacher is

A. To maintain discipline in the class.

B. To make students do their homework.

C. To prepare question paper.

D. To make teaching-learning process enjoyable. 

AnswerOption (D)

49. The most important challenge before a teacher is

A. To maintain discipline in the class.

B. To make students do their homework.

C. To prepare question paper.

D. To make teaching-learning process enjoyable. 

AnswerOption (D)

50. The dress of a teacher should be

A. of the latest fashion

B. Very costly

C. Simple but attractive

D. Local dress

AnswerOption (C)

51. While teaching in your class, usually you find that your students are not listening to you. You should

A. Go on teaching without any care

B. Stop teaching and leave the class

C. Change your method of teaching

D. Start beating the students 

AnswerOption (C)

52. If some of the teachers in your school form a seperate group, what will you do ?

A. Will remain neutral 

B. Will inform the principal

C. Will advice them to desist from such groupism

D. Will fight with them

AnswerOption (A)

53. To improve the pass percentage of your students, you require

A. Good salary and other facilities

B. Handsome and brilliant students 

C. Hard labour and other teaching facilities 

D. No need to think ad it does not affect your reputation and salary

AnswerOption (C)

54. Why do you want to become a teacher ?

A. Because teaching is a profession of high reputation 

B. One can earn lot of money through tuitions 

C. I want to use the young brain to build the nation 

D. Because my parents were teachers

AnswerOption (C)

55. What is the main reason of students not taking interest in classroom teaching at present ?

A. Uninteresting classroom environment 

B. Curriculum not according to psychological demands of students 

C. Defective examination system

D. All of the above

AnswerOption (D)

56. Why should be textbooks be changed after some time ?

A. Because students get bored

B. It is necessary with change of knowledge 

C. It helps to increase income of the publishers 

D. It keeps teachers busy throughout life

AnswerOption (B)

57. Environment education is necessary in schools 

A. In order to create environmental awareness among students 

B. In order to increase morale of environmentalists

C. In order to make the students learned about the knowledge of the environment 

D. All of the above

AnswerOption (D)

58. The main cause of moral degradation in India is because of 

A. Teachers not fulfilling their responsibilities 

B. Running after time due to fast social change

C. Materialistic attitude 

D. Unscientific tendencies 

AnswerOption (C)

59. Which type of education is beneficial for students and society both at present ?

A. Education giving knowledge of technology 

B. Employment oriented professional education 

C. Religious education emphasizing moral values

D. Special education 

AnswerOption (B)

60. Whose behaviour affects the students the most ?

A. That of the principal 

B. That of a politician 

C. That of a teacher

D. That of a tutor

AnswerOption (C)

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