What is the paradigm shift in education?

The word paradigm has been derived from the greek word ‘paradeigma’ which means a pattern of beliefs or knowledge or assumptions. If any changes take place in this paradigm then we called it a paradigm shift.

In this article we are going to discuss with you what is a paradigm shift in education and what is the importance of paradigm shift in education?

What is paradigm shift?

Paradigm shift in education refers to a fundamental change in the pattern of knowledge. This change in paradigm is also called constructivist paradigm. 

Example of paradigm shift: 

Schools have been using the same curriculum for the past few centuries, it is called paradigm. Any improvement or change in this paradigm, is called paradigm shift.

What is paradigm shift in education what is paradigm shift in educational psychology

How paradigm shift happens?

  • Paradigm shift in science happens when new discovery or idea takes place. 
  • It happens when the needs of society change over time. 

Importance of paradigm shift in 21st century education/ educational psychology/ nature of discipline 

Paradigm shift is also considered as modern education model. It changes our thinking pattern from one form to another. It has significant impact on our education system. 

Following are some points which indicate how paradigm shift in educational psychology helps to improve the quality of education?

1. Prepare students for the future:

Change in paradigm helps in preparing the students for the future. With the advancement of new technologies, education has changed and continues to change rapidly in this modern world.

Thus it helps students to focus more on the process of learning rather than the product of the teaching-learning process. 

2. Make students creative 

Paradigm shift is the constant evolution of how we learn. When changes occur, students approach the problem differently. Thus modern education model helps to develop creative skills in students by enhancing their critical thinking.

3. Collaborative Learning environment 

It helps to provide collaborative learning environment to students. In collaborative learning, various skills are develop in students such as problem solving skills, leadership skills, cooperative skills etc.

4. Student-centered approach

Paradigm shift in education makes the process of learning student-centered rather than teacher-centered. Now students are active participants in the teaching-learning process. The curriculum is prepared according to the age level and interests of students.

5. Based on psychological principles 

New changes in education are based on psychological principles. It focuses more on learning by doing and discovery learning. 

The main emphasis is on the overall development of children: physical development, cognitive development, Emotional development, and social development.

6. Helps in achieving educational goals 

Paradigm Shift helps in achieving the goals of education. A new paradigm in education provides equal educational opportunities to all the learners despite having diversity among them.

7. Teacher as facilitator 

A paradigm shift has led to a re-evaluation of the role of teachers. Now, teachers are seen as facilitator. Teachers as a facilitator provide support to students according to their needs. They as a facilitator motivate learners.

8. Helpful in Assessment and evaluation 

With new paradigm, it is easy to assess and evaluate the performance of students inside or outside the classroom. Various tools and techniques have been developed to assess the strengths and weaknesses of students.


Our society believe that the traditional educational model is no longer effective or not has any significant impact on education. Therefore a new paradigm is needed to make the process of teaching and learning more effective and to strengthen our education system.

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